Theme B2Pro_5.4.2+Mobile plugin b2app_1.6.0+Mobile UNIAPP source code B2APP_1.5.6 update notification

B2Pro theme update content:

  1. Add font file CDN customization function (theme settings, module settings home page)
  2. Add the function of pushing the logistics information of orders compatible with WeChat mini-programs.
  3. Repair the bug of binding status error when users are forced to bind cell phone and email.
  4. Repair the BUG that the setting item cannot be displayed when the custom payment is called by short code.
  5. Repair other problems

Mobile plug-in updates:

  1. Mobile plug-ins no longer need to be activated, and the same as the theme directly bound to the domain name to use, this version of the first time to use, it will pop up prompts to install the extension, please follow the prompts to operate.
  2. Mobile plug-in to increase compatibility with WeChat small program order logistics information push function (mobile plug-in settings -> store settings), if necessary, please open this function according to the instructions, and fill in the shipper’s cell phone number
  3. Did a lot of code optimization to improve speed
  4. Fixed some problems

B2APP source code updated content:

  1. Fixed the bug of shopping cart
  2. Fixed the bug that inventory is 0 and can still be purchased.
  3. Add the note function when purchasing goods
  4. Add the function of synchronizing orders to WeChat applet
  5. Optimized the speed
  6. Fixed other problems

Upgrade Note: Please be sure not to use directly in the production environment, each upgrade I can not test all the contents of a person, there are always omissions, after the release of the update, to be tested by other friends feedback, there are problems will be repaired in a timely manner, so the production environment a few days later to update.

Purchased mobile friends special attention: theme, plug-ins and source code should be upgraded to the latest version, upgrade order is theme -> plug-ins -> Uniapp source code!


WordPress轻社交购物主题:B2Pro_4.2.6 更新通知

2023-3-8 23:25:36

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2024-10-1 18:45:51

2 条回复 A文章作者 M管理员
  1. 梦水乡


    • Ricky

      B2Pro主题更新内容: 添加字体文件CDN自定义功能(主题设置、模块设置首页) 增加推送订单物流信息与微信小程序兼容的功能。 修复用户被迫绑定手机和邮箱时绑定状态错误的BUG。 修复自定义支付被短代码调用时设置项无法显示的BUG。 修复其他问题 移动插件更新: 移动插件不再需要激活,与主题一样直接绑定域名即可使用,此版本第一次使用时,将会弹出提示安装扩展,请按照提示操作。 移动插件增加与微信小程序订单物流信息推送功能兼容性(移动插件设置 -> 商店设置),如需使用,请根据指示开启此功能,并填写发货人手机号码。 进行了大量代码优化以提高速度 修复了一些问题 B2APP源代码更新内容: 修复了购物车的BUG 修复了库存为0时仍可购买的BUG。 添加了购买商品时的备注功能 增加了订单同步到微信小程序的功能 优化了速度 修复了其他问题 升级说明:请务必不要在生产环境中直接使用,每次升级我无法一个人测试所有内容,总会有疏漏,更新发布后,需经其他朋友测试反馈,有问题将会及时修复,所以生产环境请几天后再更新。 购买过移动端的朋友们特别注意:主题、插件和源代码应升级到最新版本,升级顺序是主题 -> 插件 -> Uniapp源代码!

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