Installation instructions for the Sky Without Bulls system

This is a preview version, the features are not done yet, so I’ll give you a taste first. If you are interested, you can install it and play with it. It is strongly recommended to use the new site to build, do not operate on the old site, safety first. If you must operate in the old site, remember to backup the following database in advance.

Currently, the system only supports PHP8.1, so your wordpress needs to be run under PHP8.1. With the update of swoole compiler, we will continue to support PHP8.2, PHP8.3 and other versions.

PHP8.1 need to be loaded in advance of the B2 theme extensions, that is, PHP.ini copied those lines of code, if it is a new site, remember the server pseudo-static, WP fixed connection are set up.

The server needs to support Node environment, and the version is greater than or equal to v20.17.0. If you are using Pagoda, it is supported by default, and it is highly recommended that newbies or friends who do not want to bother, use Pagoda.

1、Login on with your member account password on If you are a member of Little Crow, Lark, Big Eagle, etc., it will show Trial Member at your avatar. Note: If you are using a social login on without an account password, you need to go to the Personal Center to bind a cell phone number and come back here to log in with your cell phone number and password.

2. Go to the builder to register your information and save it.

Note that the backend domain name is unique and cannot be modified after registration. As shown in the picture below:

Installation instructions for the Sky Without Bulls system

3. Download the WordPress plugin ( and Node ( source code in the builder (

4. In the built wordpress backend, search and install the wpgraphql plugin (enabled), and then install the plugin (enabled) that you downloaded in the previous step. By the way, install the following Safe SVG plugin (used to upload svg files safely).

5. Install the Node environment in the pagoda as shown below:

Installation instructions for the Sky Without Bulls system
Installation instructions for the Sky Without Bulls system

6, Pagoda file management, find the site directory (usually www/wwwroot directory) to create a new directory to store the node site. Upload the source code you downloaded above and decompress it.

7. According to the following figure, create a site

Installation instructions for the Sky Without Bulls system
Installation instructions for the Sky Without Bulls system

8, wpgraphql plugin settings, open account password login

Installation instructions for the Sky Without Bulls system

Above a few steps done, you can access your site normally. If you can access normally, you can go to the builder to build your site appearance, build a good release can be.


The ultimate weapon, smart caching, stay tuned!

2024-10-14 13:25:47


Introducing the World Without Bulls

2024-10-14 20:22:54

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